First, everyone has to get off the concept that conspiracy theory exists in the realm of kooks. Let me define it. Conspiracy is when two or more people collude to defraud others financially or intellectually. Pretty simple, isn’t it? By definition, every single senator or congressman who has colluded with another to lead the public astray for even the smallest reason is guilty of conspiracy. All human beings manipulate other human beings by lies and deceit, especially where money is concerned. When they do it complicit with others, they are participating in conspiracy. so don’t try to intimidate me with the question about conspiracy theory. It exists throughout America in all phases of American life. As chairman of the planning board for five years in my community, I received HUD documents consistently during the last half of the last century. I was supposed to disseminate that information to other board members. All American planning boards received these documents. Planning boards exist specifically for land use management. I received documentation originally called Agenda 21. When that got a bad rap, they changed it to sustainable living and now, agenda 2030. This was the stated goal as inspired by the United Nations. No more privately owned vehicles by 3035. No more private property ownership by 3055. We would all live in cluster housing in the middle of some idiotic park, owning nothing and loving it. I still have the documentation. I never threw it away. So, I am not exposing conspiracy, I am defining reality as proposed by the people who really run the world. It certainly isn’t the common man, that’s for sure. If you think we are actually living in a democracy and have any real choices that have efficacy, you are delusional. As far as voting goes, we often have the choice between pile of dog poop A, and pile of dog poop B. So, when any of our feckless politicians tell us that we have term limits and control at the ballot box, they are lying to you and are guilty of conspiracy. Then it becomes your choice to reject the swine or feed at the trough with them.
Society is being dumbed down. Just look at the product of mediocrity that comes from our universities. They are programmed and indoctrinated with socialism. Very few of them can think critically. The main tools authoritarians use are fear, indoctrination, and misinformation to control the population. Unfortunately, the average person dines on that swill. So, the new world order is the intention of the authoritarians who wish to propagate a society of sheep. Those of us with a brain see that this is intentional and understand their mission. So, folks, this is not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy reality, and it will actually become a world order that our children and grandchildren will endure. The biggest problem is that they won’t understand it and will march to the tune as they embrace mediocrity instead of the superlative life they were meant to live. I’m 75. They can’t touch me as a short timer, but I pity my grandson.